Good Evening - while I work on the next installment or two or five of Tracing Tillingers I wanted to pass along a brief update to my website,
I have made two small updates to my website where I share what social media I am on
I updated my TikTok URL. I have not really figured out what I want to do with it, but I have it so if any one else has it wants to follow my genealogy TikTok you now can. I also have a personal account but I only use that to watch, not really post anything..
At the suggestion of a friend of mine I decided to try my hand at a YouTube channel to compliment my blog. So far I have a brief intro video. Feel free to subscribe if you wish. Again I have not really figured out any specifics on what I want to do or how but it can't hurt to try it out.
Both links are on my website in the top right corner.